Saturday, July 28, 2007

YOUR Oregon Rep!

I have volunteered and been accepted for the position of's Oregon State representative.

The biggest thing about this is that now there IS someone to talk to, here in Oregon, about student loan issues. I know from personal experience that it can feel very lonely (loanly?) out there, feeling like you're the only one with a financial hardship due to high student loans.

You aren't alone, though. One of the biggest things that is happening is a slow awakening throughout the country. More and more of us who are in the same boat are reaching out to one another and forming bonds and strength. It is that strength that can slowly topple corporate mountains like Sallie Mae.

I need your help, though, to get the word out that we are here, that we need more support, and that we can work together to change things.

We need people who are willing to copy and pass out flyers, post information, get meeting places set up, and be willing to work with me on getting the word out about this organization. We are grass-roots, so there's no funds - it's just us... If you have the ability to get interviews with local campus papers, free local papers like Willamette Weekly or The Mercury, or even The Portland Tribune, please do so - and let me know as well.

This can be something really big, and you can be a part of it, from the ground up.

I will continue to post my own journey regarding Sallie Mae here, and I will also be posting what I'm doing locally within the Portland area.


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